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Most memory boosting food...


The food that we eat daily effects more on our brain.
Our memory can do better function, if we eat something special.

So, here are the most memory boosting food that we should add in our daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Especially, when you are a student.

If you walk into a room, to do something and can't remember why you went in there, it might not be all in your head. It could be your diet.

 Try these three foods to stay sharp and focused.

* First, scramble up an egg for breakfast.

 One egg supplies about a quarter of your daily value of choline, a nutrient that helps your body produce a necessary neurotransmitter for memory and learning.

 An added bonus: preliminary research shows choline may also help fight Alzheimer's disease.

Eggs are so healthy, we should eat boiled eggs in the breakfast. As it contains protein, and the protein helps in building our muscles.
So, the guys, who goes to  the gym, or trying to build their muscles, shoud must eat eggs in their breakfast.

* Second,  eat spinach. 

 This dark, leafy green is packed with nitrates.
 In a recent study, people who consumed lots of nitrate- rich plant foods like spinach, lettuce and beets increased blood flow to parts of the brain responsible for working memory, which helps you with things like math and remembering phone numbers. 

As it is a vegetable, so perhaps you know that how vegetables are important and healthy for our health.
Especially,  the green vegetables, they contain many important vitamins and a lot of good calories. 
We should add the green vegetables in our daily diet. 
 Finally, try almonds.

* Third Almonds.

One ounce, or about 23 almonds, supplies one- third of your daily vitamin E requirement. Vitamin E may be important in preserving spatial memory, which helps you recall things like your favorite shortcut to the supermarket or how to get from your office to the gym.

 In addition to eating the right healthy foods, stay physically active. Exercise can also keep you thinking clearly by boosting blood flow to your brain. Now that's food for thought.

Maybe, most people already know that when they eat a healthy nutritionally dense diet, they feel better and have more energy.

However, some people realize that the food they eat has a direct effect on their ability to think learn and commit items to memory.

*Number Fourth is peanuts.

 Sometimes, peanuts may called groundnuts.

Scientifically, peanuts are called Arachis Hypogaea...
 Peanuts are very common throughout the world, especially in Pakistan, and easy to get. Also very cheap in prices.
It is very useful for the brain.
We can also use peanut oil and peanut flour.
Peanuts are the good source of energy. Peanuts are also useful for maintenance of weight. As it loses weight.
It is observed that peanut are very useful for heart diseases. 

 peanuts are a leguminous plants with nutritional background they contain plenty of unsaturated fats and protein to keep a person's energy levels up throughout the day peanuts also provide key vitamins and minerals to keep the more brain healthy including high levels of vitamin E and resveratrol.

*Number Fifth, fatty fish.

 Fatty fish are abundant sources of omega-3 fatty acids healthy unsaturated fats that have been connected to lower blood levels of beta amyloid the protein that forms damaging clumps in the brains of people with a very dangerous Alzheimer's disease.

 Try to eat fish at least twice a week but choose varieties that are low in mercury such as salmon Cod canned light tuna and Pollock.

We can make very delicious dishes of fish, like fried fish, 
fish rice, fish fries, fish with gravy, red fish curry with chips, crispy fish tacos, Italian tuna fish pasta, hot smoked trout, baked fish with potato, baked massaman snapper.

There are a lot of fishes which are edible. Such as, Salmon, tuna, mackerel, catfish, sardines, trout, carp, cod and etc.

* Number Sixth, broccoli.

Broccoli and other vegetables are rich in fiber and nutrients as well as being a low-calorie source of dietary fiber. Broccoli may be good for the brain. Broccoli are the derivatives of vitamin C and flavonoids and these antioxidants can further boost a person's brain health.

It controls the blood level and sugar, and maintains it. It increase the concentration of insulin, and the insulin regulates the blood cholestrol and sugar level.
It also helps to prevent from heart attack and other heart diseases in a variety of ways.
As it contains fibers, so it lowers the chances of constipation and regulates the digestive track.

* Number Seven, pumpkin seeds.

 Pumpkin seeds are also called pepita.
 Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc as compared to many other seeds.
 Pumpkin seeds supplied this valuable mineral which is vital for boosting memory and thinking.
These little seeds are also full of stress eliminating magnesium, B vitamins and tryptophan.
The precursor to the good mood chemical serotonin.

They are full of valuable nutrients.
Pumpkin seeds are high antioxidant.
It protects our cells from inflammation.

* Number Eighth, coconut oil.

 Coconut oil is still a controversial cooking oil due to its concentration of saturated fat, but in addition to being good for beauty treatments, it can also boost brain power.
According to a great study,  published by BBA clinical, coconut oil contains high concentration of medium chain triglycerides, which break down as keto.
 That are used as petrol for brain cells.
We can also apply coconut oil in our hair. It is also very useful for hair strength and making them long and shiny.

Coconut oil also protects your skin from ultravoilet  rays.
You can apply coconut oil on your face. Your face will glow by doing so.  

* Number ninth, eggs. 

Egg yolks are rich in choline.
Choline is a vitamin B like nutrient.

 When you eat eggs, your brain uses choline to get acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that may be important for maintaining memory and communication among brain cells.

  You can make a very delicious dish named Anda gotala by egg in the breakfast. You can find recipe of this dish from YouTube. 

* Number Tenth, green tea.

 As in the case with coffee, the caffeine in normal green tea boosts brain function. In fact, it has been found to make better alertness performance memory and focus, but green tea also has other components that make it a brain healthy beverage.
Green tea helps in keeping brain healthy.

It is estimated that a person who takes green tea daily can do much brain work then a person don't do so.

* Number eleventh, black chocolate.

 Black chocolate and crashed cocoa are packed with a few brain boosting compounds including flavonoids, caffeine and antioxidants.
Flavonoids are a group of antioxidant plants compounds.

Chocolate is the most memory boosting food. I suggest you whenever you try to memorize or start studying, you should eat at least one chocolate before that.

The flavonoids in chocolate gather in the areas of the brain that deal with learning and memory you...

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