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Common diseases spread from contaminated water...

 I wish all my dear readers are very happy and prosperous.

  It is very important to know about waterborne diseases because large population of Pakistan suffer from the waterborne diseases.
 Let's check on this critical and very important issue.

 First question is...

What is a waterborne disease...???

 The diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms that are transmitted through water are called waterborne diseases.
As per World Health Organization 2018 report the contaminated water and food prepared with the contaminated water is a major health concern in our country Pakistan. Who should know this information contained in this blog everybody who handles water and food should know how important are the hygienic measures and also we need to know, what the infectious contaminants in water can lead to how waterborne infectious pathogens get transmitted.

 That's an important issue and concern..., 

Drinking of contaminated water as we see in this picture we should never ever drink water from the rivers canals ponds and other water bodies because that water may be contaminated with several pathogens.

  * The infection gets into our body by eating of contaminated food usually flies bring pathogenic organisms to our food and contaminate it.
  Once we eat that food, pathogens get into our body then transfer of saliva. If one of the two who are sharing this or when we are eating the food eaten by others left over by others. Then infection present in the food transmitted by the infected individual gets into our body bathing with contaminated water is also one source of transmission of pathogenic organisms.

Even washing hands with contaminated water will also lead to transmission of many of these organisms what can happen when we get this transmission of waterborne disease while diarrhea and vomiting are the most commonly reported symptoms of water.
Other symptoms can include problems related to skin, ear, respiratory system,  eyes etc.

 Let's discuss one by one these diseases which are transmitted through the water.


 First is and most common is amoebiasis it's caused by entamoeba histolytica the transmission is usually from hand to mouth when hands get contaminated with this organism and we eat the food without washing the hands.
 Then the organisms are cysts of amoeba get into our body through gastro-intestinal tract. The suis non-treated drinking water flies in the water supply and saliva transfer you the other person has the disease are the common transmission methods what happens when the infection settles in our gastro-intestinal  tract, abdominal discomfort, feeling of fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, bloating in the tummy, and fever.
 Sometimes are the clinical symptom of immediacy.

Acanthamoeba keratitis...
The second important disease of amoeba is Acanthamoeba keratitis we can see the infection of eyes in this picture the free-living amoeba found in surface water tap water swimming pools and even in the contact lens solutions cleaning of contact lenses.
 Those who, we have the contact lenses once, they wash are clean the lenses with contaminated water the organisms can get onto the eyes pain, eye redness, blurred vision,  sensitivity to light sensation of something, in the eye and excessive tearing, are the very common symptom of this problem.

GRE Isis...

 The third important disease transmitted by contaminated water is GRE Isis.
 This usually follows fecal-oral our hand to mouth transmission method. In the most common intestinal parasite present in Pakistan today. It is transmitted by untreated water, poor disinfection, pipe breaks or leaks, groundwater contamination etc.

Once this Giardia organism settles in to over G hatred diarrhea, abdominal discomfort,  bloating, and flatulence are very common symptoms.


The next disease which is transmitted from the water is called botulism.
This bacteria enter an open wound from contaminated water sources. It can also enter the GI tract through consumption of contaminated drinking water or food contaminate. 
With this, the bacteria there will be dry mouth, blurred or double vision, difficulty in swallowing, muscle weakness, difficult in breathing, slurred speech, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea will be the common clinical symptoms.

Death in this case is usually caused by the respiratory failure the very common disease which we'll hear is cholera.
The drinking water contaminated with this bacterium and in severe form it is one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses.

Symptoms of cholera include very watery diarrhea,  nausea,  cramps, nosebleed, rapid pulse,  vomiting etc.
 The hypovolemic shock in severe cases at which point death can occur in 12 to 18 hours. So, we have to be careful and not drink the contaminated water.

 Ecola infection...

 Number 6 problem caused by the waterborne disease is Ecola infection.  The water contaminated with the bacteria is the source of infection to human beings. It leads to mostly diarrhea and can cause death in immunodeficient. Very young and elderly persons due to dehydration, which develops very rapidly in E coli infections.


The seventh problem is leptospirosis and is transmitted by the contaminated water.
 Water contaminated by the animal urine which carries the bacteria becomes the source of infection. It begins with flu-like symptoms and then it gets resolved. The second phase, then occurs involving meningitis liver damage and renal failure will be the cause of death ultimately.

Otitis externa...

 The eighth problem is called otitis externa which is also known as swimmers. Here swimming in water contaminated by the responsible pathogens is the cause of this disease. The ear canal swells causes pain and tenderness to the touch.


 The ninth problem, we are going to see is salmonellosis the drinking water contaminated with the bacteria is the source of infection is more common as a foodborne disease and the symptoms are diarrhea, fever, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. 

Typhoid fever...

The tenth problem is the typhoid fever it is very common ingestion of water contaminated with the feces of an infected persons is the source of infection the disease is characterized by sustained fever up to 40 degree Celsius. Profuse sweating, diarrhea occur in some cases. Symptoms progress to delirium, spleen and liver enlargement.

 In this case, it can last up to four weeks and cause death of the infected individual. 

Severe acute respiratory syndrome...

The 11th problem which is transmitted from the contaminated water is severe acute respiratory syndrome. We can see the picture of infected lungs. The virus manifest itself in improperly treated water and can cause fever, mal gia, lethargy, gastrointestinal symptoms,  cough, and sore throat.

 Hepatitis E...

The twelfth problem is hepatitis E this is caused by a virus and the virus manifest itself in water and food and causes the symptoms of like fatigue fever abdominal pain nausea diarrhea weight loss itching jaundice and depression in many individuals the thirteenth problem is the hepatitis E this again is caused by a virus which enters water through the feces of infected individuals and this disease causes fever fatigue loss of appetite nausea vomiting abdominal pain jaundice dark urine clay colour stool and joint pain etc.


The fourteenth problem you might have seen throughout Pakistan is polio are called polio myelitis. The virus of this disease enters the water through the feces of infected individuals. This virus once settles in the body it causes delirium headache fever and occasional scissors and spastic paralysis it may be like non-political enjoy.
 It is in 1 percent of the cases the serious symptoms resulting in paralysis or death are also reported many times.

 There are some other diseases which are not very common but are transmitted by the contaminated water by the pathogens which occurs crossbody, nurses, Cyclospora assists, Nell Genesis, campylobacteriosis Dysentry etc...

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