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Fasting in Ramadan.

Ramadan is not all about abstinence from food, water and causing pain for others.It is all about being tolerant and considerate towards each other.


 Fasting saves us from many diseases;   

1.Cancer;when we are hungry, our body stats eating own abnormal cells. so when abnormal cells are eaten, they can not be divided and cancer could not produced in our body. 

2;Fasting produces emotions for others. It produces feelings for the poors who do not have food to eat. 

 In this month muslims recite holy Quran with meaning and try to follow it.

It lightens our heart.

 In this holy month of ramadan,let's just revive the spirit of the month keeping in mind the covid 19 situation and take extra care of each other by cooking for sehar and iftaar at home,praying at home and giving the best gift of the month to our loved ones through social ditancing.   

 Wear mask to protect yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Drink plenty of warm water between iftaar and sehar, have fruits with vitamin C like orange. 


keep yourself and surrounding disinfected and clean and pray within your homes.

    Stay @ home, Stay hydrated.                                                              Stay save and have a blessed RAMADAN.

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